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ENC3212: An Overview

Now that the final days of this course are here I have decided to take a look back at what I have learned. To do this in a way that may be helpful in the future, I have created a review of key ideas and concepts.  Copyediting 3212 Overview: Hyphens and Compounds Compound Adjectives: not found in dictionary, more of a choice of style. Happen where you combine two or more words (usually nouns) to act like adjectives. Examples: “do-nothing congress” “money-back guarantee” “state-of-the-art” “award-winning” “college-educated” Punctuation +Clauses A clause is a group of related words that includes both a subject + finite verb. Independent Clauses: Cannot stand alone as a complete sentence Dependent clauses : can stand alone as a complete sentence Dependent clauses –restrictive vs non-restrictive +Sentence structure -A subject is the do-er of a verb. - Finite verb forms show tense, person and number ( I go, she goes, we went , etc.): She  was waiting  in t

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