Style Guides

Because I am an English student in college I have been using MLA style for the last four years. I remember learning the other styles in high school but have forgotten much about them since. Because of that, I wanted to make a blog post to practice when to use each and what their purpose is. Each style guide will contain the example of uses from the textbook, an example and an image I've created to help me remember. 

APA (American Psychological Association)
-Used most in science and research fields, especially social sciences. 
-A research paper on online activity and it's effect on mental health

-One of the oldest styles. Can be used for a range of subjects including business, history and fine arts.
-An article on Communist Czechoslovakia

AP (Associated Press)
-Journalism, mass communications, magazines 
-A web article on a new album

-Most academic papers use this. Also used in arts and humanities in general. 
-A student paper on Edgar Allan Poe.
