The Wonderful World of Invoices

For this blog post I decided to explore the best part of copyediting - getting paid! To do this, I have summarized what I learned in our readings. Additionally, I found a few different companies that do invoice differently as real-world examples.

The first thing to understand about invoices is when you are personally responsible for them. Most companies will have employees that will create invoices for you. However, some smaller companies and freelance work will require you to do it yourself.

After that, it's important to note that Microsoft should be used to create these invoices unless otherwise stated by who you are working with. You should also be sure to create the invoice into a PDF so it can not be changed.

Finally, you need to know what your invoice should contain. There should be almost a letterhead of personal information. This will include your name, contact information, mailing address, email address, and phone number. You will also include the same kind of details about your client. Additionally, you should have the invoice date, number, and description of work. You will also need to include the form in which your client should be paying you and what that total payment is. You will want to include a thank you at the end of the invoice to try to secure more work in the future.

I found that some companies like Enago and Laurel will provide you with an invoice. Companies like Cactus Communications and Scribbr, however, will usually ask you to provide your own.
